Premier Medical Centers

Does Stress and Anxiety Cause Itching? All you need to know!

Anxiety, stress, and itching, can you believe it if there is a link? Well! Do not be surprised when I say that there is a link between these conditions. It’s mysterious isn’t it? Stress and anxiety in fact do cause itching. In some people this could become a vicious unbreakable cycle. Therefore, this topic needs some dissecting to break the cycle of the beating about this bush. 

Can’t understand your itches that appear out of nowhere? Then read this article till the end. At Premium Medical Centers, we are always making an effort to uncover most unexplored medical conditions with which patients suffer without a hint of the root causes of their symptoms. In this article, we will definitively answer the question – DOES STRESS AND ANXIETY CAUSE ITCHING?  

The Link Between Stress, Anxiety, and Itching

Anxiety and stress affect the body in various manners. One of the side effects of anxiety and stress is itching or flakey skin. The link between itching and anxiety can be traced back to the fact that when you are under immense stress, or if you have a mental condition, or if your life is going through drastic changes, the nerves underlying your skin may get irritated by the anxiety and stress and this causes continual itching. In many cases, itching is triggered during anxiety attacks or periods of high stress situations. 

Psychological Factors that Contribute to Itching

There is a close link between the mind and the body. You must have read our blogs on healthy mind and healthy body. Similarly, a disturbed rather stressed mind actually does have detrimental effects on the body and itching is one of them. 

The brain contains a closely knit network of neuroreceptors that convey information and regulate body and organ functions. Any disruption or irregularity in these neuroreceptors can cause malfunctions of the organs including a condition called ‘Stress Itching’. 

Your skin is the largest organ of the human body. When stress or anxiety narrows or disrupts the neuro receptors, hormonal dysfunctions occur which in turn affect the nerves underlying your skin thereby irritating them with toxins that result in itching, inflammation, or flakey skin for prolonged periods. That’s why you feel an itch when stressed.    

Is Itching Always Caused by Stress and Anxiety?

Anxiety and itchy is not always true. Although it is true that anxiety and itching cause stress, itching is not always linked with mental conditions. Most of the time, itching can also be caused by skin allergies and dryness of the skin. These inches can easily be controlled by ointments and anti-allergy pills. 

At Premier Medical Centers, we always ensure that our clients are advised to sek their doctor’s opinion before engaging in any type of medicinal remedies for itching skin. 

Anxiety, Stress, and Pre-existing Skin Conditions 

It is medically proven that people with pre-existing medical conditions can experience a severity in their symptoms due to stress and anxiety. Similarly, people with pre-existing skin infections or chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, and lichen planus; will certainly experience elevated itching and inflammation. Our patients who have chronic skin conditions often report that their skin gets further flared up under stress and anxiety.  

Diagnosing Anxiety/Stress Related Itching

How is your life? Are you happy? These questions often trigger the patients to start explaining their mental conditions to their primary care provider. Although, most physicians will refer you to a skin specialist for further treatment if they are not aware of your history of anxiety, stress, or a mental disorder. 

Diagnosing the root cause itching and treating anxiety will certainly break the cycle of itching in patients. This is conducted by running blood tests and neurological tests. If the blood tests are clear of any irritants to the skin or deficiencies, then it is anxiety to be blamed and further tested. For skin symptoms of itching to emerge, a person must have been under continual stress for at least a period of six months. 

Once the root cause of itching is diagnosed as anxiety, then it is important to track the type of anxiety in order to treat it from scratch. There are various types of anxiety including: 

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Separation Anxiety Disorder
  • Phobias

Each one of the above types has different diagnosis and treatment plans. Please always consult your doctor before proceeding with any treatment plan. 

Types of anxiety
Types of anxiety

Tips for Managing Stress-Related Itching

When diagnosed with stress related itching on the skin, you must learn how to manage your stress and distract your mind with positive activities to remain calm and serene. For this you can practice Breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness to reduce stress levels.

Once you’ve gotten a handle on calming your nerves, you can then adopt doctor consultations and prescribed skin care routines that will help sooth the affected regions of your skin. It is always a great idea to have a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and a good sleep cycle to avoid any unnecessary stress on your nerves and to remain healthy. A bit of selfcare doesn’t hurt anybody.     

When to Seek Professional Help

After beginning a new treatment, anyone who observes new or worsening symptoms might also want to consult a physician to identify if your itchiness is a sign of anxiety. 

A doctor should be consulted by anyone whose anxiety or itching interferes with their day-to-day activities. The patient may be sent by a physician to a mental health professional for treatment of an anxiety issue or to a dermatologist for testing for skin disorders.


In summary, itching and skin irritation can certainly be brought on by stress and anxiety, but in order to properly treat it, it’s critical to determine the underlying cause. You can end the cycle of suffering by learning stress-reduction strategies and comprehending the mind-body link. For a customized treatment plan that addresses the mental and physical components of your symptoms, always seek the advice of a medical practitioner.

With professional guidance and treatment for stress and skin disorders, Premier Medical Centers is here to help you on your path to improved health and wellness.


  • Does stress and anxiety cause itching? 

Yes, stress and anxiety can trigger itching. When you’re stressed or anxious, your body releases certain hormones that can cause irritation to the nerves in your skin, leading to itching. This is often experienced during periods of high stress or anxiety attacks.

  • What is stress itching and how can I manage it? 

Stress itching refers to the sensation of itching caused by stress. It happens when stress hormones disrupt your skin’s neuroreceptors, leading to irritation and discomfort. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help reduce stress-related itching.

  • Why do I itch when stressed? 

When stressed, your body undergoes hormonal changes that affect the skin. The release of certain stress hormones can irritate the nerves in your skin, causing it to itch. This response is the body’s way of reacting to anxiety and emotional tension.

  • Is itchiness a sign of anxiety? 

Yes, itchiness can be a sign of anxiety. When you’re anxious, your body’s stress response can cause skin irritation. People who are anxious and itchy may experience flare-ups during stressful situations or anxiety attacks. If this is persistent, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

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